Study shows costs and benefits of testosterone in birds

Do nice guys finish last, or will the meek inherit the earth? A new study published in The American Naturalist suggests that, at least for birds, the right answer is somewhere in between.

Habitat needs of nestling and fledgling songbirds

Both before and after they leave the nest, baby birds face a host of challenges. A new study in The Condor: Ornithological Applications examining songbird survival in the nestling and fledgling stages finds that even in the ...

The early bird catches the sperm

Getting up later in the morning might gain you more sleep, but it could mean you end up fathering fewer offspring—at least if you are a songbird called the great tit. Ecologists from the United States and Germany have discovered ...

Mercury-ridden songbirds get an extra jolt during migration

Migration is hard on a songbird. It has a commute of thousands of miles—north or south, depending on the season—a journey that often includes a nonstop flight over the Gulf of Mexico or even along nearly the entire coastline ...

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