Burning Man highlights the primordial human need for ritual

At the end of each summer, hordes of people flock to the Black Rock Desert in Nevada to erect a makeshift city the size of the Italian town of Pisa. They call it Black Rock City. A few days later, they will burn it to the ...

Study looks at summer solstice effect on leaf senescence

In a warming climate, spring keeps getting earlier. But the timing of leaf fall in autumn has been more of a mystery. For the first time, a study by researchers including biologist Susanne Renner in Arts & Sciences at Washington ...

Cassini begins new chapter on brink of Saturn summer solstice

Turning a midsummer night's dream into reality, NASA's Cassini spacecraft begins its new mission extension -- the Cassini Solstice Mission -- today. The mission extension will take Cassini a few months past Saturn's northern ...

Cassini plasma spectrometer turns off

(Phys.org) -- The Cassini plasma spectrometer instrument (CAPS) aboard NASA's Cassini spacecraft was turned off between Friday, June 1 and Saturday, June 2, when a circuit breaker tripped off after the instrument experienced ...

Image: Northern lights over Canada

Just hours after the winter solstice, a mass of energetic particles from the Sun smashed into the magnetic field around Earth. The strong solar wind stream stirred up a display of northern lights over northern Canada.

Image: SOHO's summer solstice sun

Residents of Earth's northern hemisphere enjoyed the greatest number of daylight hours in a single day all year on 21 June 2017. This summer solstice occurs when the tilt of Earth's axis is most inclined towards the sun, ...

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