Habitable zones

(PhysOrg.com) -- The "habitable zone" is the region around a star where a suitable planet could sustain the conditions necessary for life. Most astronomers take it to be the region where the balance between stellar radiation ...

Computers synthesize sounds to go with graphics

Computer-generated imagery usually relies on recorded sound to complete the illusion. Recordings can, however, limit the range of sounds you can produce, especially in future virtual reality environments where you can't always ...

Liquid-solid interactions, as never before seen

(PhysOrg.com) -- Wettability -- the degree to which a liquid either spreads out over a surface or forms into droplets -- is crucial to a wide variety of processes. It influences, for example, how easily a car?s windshield ...

Bionanotechnology has new face, world-class future

Imagine the marriage of hard metals or semiconductors to soft organic or biological products. Picture the strange, wonderful offspring -- hybrid materials never conceived by Mother Nature.

Expanding on the fundamental principles of liquid movement

From the rain drops rolling down your window, to the fluid running through a COVID rapid test, we cannot go a day without observing the world of fluid dynamics. Naturally, how liquids traverse across, and through, surfaces ...

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