What is the surface of Neptune like?

As a gas giant (or ice giant), Neptune has no solid surface. In fact, the blue-green disc we have all seen in photographs over the years is actually a bit of an illusion. What we see is actually the tops of some very deep ...

Flow phenomena on solid surfaces

Physicists from Saarland University and the ESPCI in Paris have shown how liquids on solid surfaces can be made to slide over the surface a bit like a bobsleigh on ice. The key is to apply a coating at the boundary between ...

Anti-microbial coatings with a long-term effect for surfaces

Hygienic conditions and sterile procedures are particularly important in hospitals, kitchens and sanitary facilities, air conditioning and ventilation systems, in food preparation and in the manufacture of packaging material. ...

Biodegradable absorbent from water lily to attend oil spills

The water lily transformed from a plague to the main ingredient of a biodegradable absorbent that resolves spills or leaks of hydrocarbons, oils and other industrial substances, both in solid surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, ...

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