Fluorescent nanodiamonds successfully injected into living cells

As odd as it sounds, many scientists have attempted to place extremely small diamonds inside living cells. Why? Because nanodiamonds are consistently bright and can give us unique knowledge about the inner life of cells over ...

Electrons living on the edge

Scientists at the University of Tsukuba demonstrated the possibility of electrons moving as if they were massless when certain materials called "topological insulators" are irradiated with laser beams. This work may lead ...

Efficient fluorescent materials and OLEDs for the NIR

Near-infrared emitters (NIR) will be of crucial importance for a variety of biomedical, security and defense applications, as well as for (in)visible light communications and the internet-of-things (IoT). Researchers from ...

Efficient solid-state depolymerization of waste PET

Plastic pollution has become one of the most complex environmental issues, especially in the context of increasing production and demand for plastic materials. While innovations in polymer chemistry have radically changed ...

How to untie magnetic nano-knots

Skyrmions—tiny magnetic whirls that appear in certain combinations of materials—are considered promising information carriers for future data storage. A research team from RWTH Aachen University, Kiel University, and ...

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