Peacebuilding in conflict zones demands people-centric approach

The challenge of how to rebuild society following conflict is a difficult question that arises all too frequently, but recent studies have demonstrated that putting people at the centre of the process and enabling cooperation ...

Is part of Chelsea Manning's legacy increased surveillance?

The military's most prolific leaker of digital documents has ushered in an age of even more increased surveillance over government workers. The legacy of Chelsea Manning's actions is under discussion in the wake of the announcement ...

What is life really like after fighting a war?

What's life really like for soldiers at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, D.C.? A new book by Rice anthropologist Zoƫ Wool takes an in-depth look at what life is like after the fighting ends.

Soldiers on social media

By now, millions of people around the world recognise the face of Alexander Sotkin. This young Russian soldier posted selfies on Instagram that appear to place him in Ukrainian territory over the past few weeks. To some, ...

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