Determining the safest Mars caves for future astronauts

When astronauts land on Mars someday, they might have to live in lava caves or lava tubes to survive the harsh radiation that rains down on the Martian surface every second. But which caves could offer them the best chance ...

Asteroid rocks begin to reveal our solar system's origins

Curtin University researchers are among a global team of scientists who are discovering how our solar system came to be, by uncovering the secrets hidden within a 4.5-billion-year-old asteroid.

New class of Mars quakes reveals daily meteorite strikes

An international team of researchers, co-led by ETH Zurich and Imperial College London, has derived the first estimate of global meteorite impacts on Mars using seismic data. Their findings indicate that between 280 to 360 ...

US launches satellite to better prepare for space weather

The United States on Tuesday launched a new satellite expected to significantly improve forecasts of solar flares and coronal mass ejections—huge plasma bubbles that can crash into Earth, disrupting power grids and communications.

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