Icarus can fly high and save on wax too

"Don't fly too close to the sun," said Daedalus to Icarus. Flying too high would melt the wax in his wings, while going too low would cause the sea's moisture to create drag.

Space mission tests NREL perovskite solar cells

On a clear night, Kaitlyn VanSant will be able to watch her work whiz by. Knowing the success of her project, however, will have to wait until her tiny, temporary addition to the International Space Station returns to Earth.

Sunlight drives leaf mass area based on spectral composition

Plant leaves is the main organ that converts inorganic carbon into organic carbon. Leaf mass area (the leaf mass per unit area, LMA) characterizes the morphological, physiological and biochemical functions of the leaves, ...

Simulating 195 million years of global climate in the Mesozoic

The Mesozoic, which stretched from about 252 million to 66 million years ago, was a pivotal period in Earth's history. In addition to being the age of the dinosaurs, it was when the supercontinent Pangaea began to separate ...

A history of African dust

In a recently published paper, a research team, led by University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Professor Emeritus Joseph M. Prospero, chronicles the history of African dust transport, ...

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