Home-grown electricity

Buildings may soon be able to generate their own electricity from roofs, walls, windows – even benchtops – that come with in-built solar power capabilities.

Solar expertise turns competitors into collaborators

An advanced processing technology being pioneered at UNSW to improve the efficiency of first generation silicon solar cells has turned two of the world's leading solar manufacturers into unlikely collaborators.

Solar-powered plane plans flight across US (Update 2)

A solar-powered plane that has wowed aviation fans in Europe is set to travel across the United States with stops in Phoenix, Dallas, Washington, D.C., and New York, the plane's Swiss creators said.

Sunny future for renewables thanks to China: IEA

Solar energy is to lead the race to new power generation over the coming decades, thanks in large part to China and India, the International Energy Agency said Tuesday.

Solar cell shipments in Japan hit record high in April-June

Demand for solar cells has been growing rapidly in Japan with a record generating capacity of 83,260 kilowatts shipped to the domestic market between April and June, up 82.5 percent from the same quarter last year, a private-sector ...

NRL charges Marine Corps expeditionary power requirements

Researchers at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Electronic Science and Technology Division are working to help the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) reduce expeditionary energy supply needs and risks and increase the effectiveness ...

Benchmarks to better catch the sun

Simulations unveil efficiency targets and design rules to maximize the conversion of light into electricity using organic solar cells.

Panasonic HIT photovoltaic cells demonstrate high PID resistance

Panasonic Corporation today announced that its HIT photovoltaic module's high-level of resistance to potential induced degradation (PID) has been verified by the results of tests conducted within and outside the company. ...

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