Why Elon Musk is wrong about nanotechnology

You might expect Elon Musk, the business magnate, engineer and serial entrepreneur would be a fan of all things techy. After all, his radical enterprises are built on pushing science to its limit. He's behind a raft of visionary ...

Insect eyes inspire improved solar cells

(PhysOrg.com) -- The eyes of moths, which allow them to see well at night, are also covered with a water-repellent, antireflective coating that makes their eyes among the least reflective surfaces in nature and helps them ...

Green energy from algae

(PhysOrg.com) -- Visitors to this year’s UK Royal Society Summer Exhibition will have a chance to discover how scientists from the University of Cambridge are studying ways to harness algae as a renewable energy source.

Power boosting self-cleaning solar panels

High-power, self-cleaning solar panels might be coming soon to a roof near you. There are two obvious problems with photovoltaic cells, solar panels. First, they are very shiny and so a lot of the incident sunlight is simply ...

Snow helps solar cells sometimes, research shows

Snow and solar cells aren't mutually exclusive, according to a Michigan Technological University scientist. Photovoltaic panels can be well worth the investment even if you live in a winter wonderland.

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