Solar storm detected in deep sea observatories

The powerful solar storm driving the aurora borealis over global skies last weekend was also triggering the movement of compasses deep in the ocean, as revealed in new scientific findings shared today by Ocean Networks Canada ...

Dazzling auroras fade from skies as sunspot turns away

The spectacular auroras that danced across the sky in many parts of the world over the weekend are fading, scientists said Monday, as the massive sunspot that caused them turns its ferocious gaze away from Earth.

Second night of auroras seen 'extreme' solar storm

Auroras lit up skies across swaths of the planet for the second night in a row on Saturday, after already dazzling Earthlings from the United States to Tasmania to the Bahamas the day before.

Solar orbiter takes a mind-boggling video of the sun

You've seen the sun, but you've never seen the sun like this. This single frame from a video captured by ESA's Solar Orbiter mission shows the sun looking very fluffy! You can see feathery, hair-like structures made of plasma ...

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