Will Europe soon be cold?

What will the climate be like for Russia and Europe in 15 to 20 years? Will there be weather abnormalities in the coming decades? Will some areas experience increasingly severe winters, while the others experience hot summers? ...

Video: SDO sees active region outbursts

This close-up video by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows an active region near the right-hand edge of the sun's disk, which erupted with at least a dozen minor events over a 30-hour period from Nov. 3-5, 2015.  

Researchers show new Ice Age may begin by 2030

The arrival of intense cold similar to the weather that raged during the "Little Ice Age", which froze the world during the 17th century and in the beginning of the 18th century, is expected in the years 2030 to 2040. These ...

Next solar maximum may be safest time for manned missions to Mars

Humans have long dreamed of traveling to Mars, and several nations and private organizations are developing plans for crewed Mars missions in the coming decades. But a recent study looking at the risks for astronauts going ...

Sources of the solar wind

The solar chromosphere is the region between the Sun's surface and its hot, million-degree corona. Within this complex interface zone, only a few thousand kilometers deep, the density of the gas drops by a factor of about ...

How to look into the solar interior

An international group including one professor from the Moscow State University have proposed the first ever quantitative description of the mechanism responsible for sunspot formation and underlying the solar activity cycle.

Image: Coronal loops in an active region of the sun

An active region of the sun just rotating into the view of NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory gives a profile view of coronal loops over about a two-day period, from Feb. 8-10, 2014.

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