Solar activity forecast for next decade favorable for exploration

The last astronauts of the Apollo program were lucky. Not just because they were chosen to fly to the moon, but because they missed some really bad weather en route. This wasn't a hurricane or heat wave, but space weather—the ...

Coronal holes during the solar maximum

Sunspots were first seen by Galileo, and in the eighteenth century Rudolf Wolf concluded from his study of previous observations that there was a roughly eleven-year solar cycle of activity. In 1919 the astronomer George ...

Scientists observe first Sun-like magnetic cycle on another star

An international team of scientists led by the University of Göttingen has observed a Sun-like magnetic cycle on another star for the first time. The Sun's magnetic field drives the Sun's spots and flares and fuels the Solar ...

Solar flares may disrupt GPS systems, researcher says

( —If your GPS navigation system goes on the fritz in the coming days, you might have the sun to blame. Early this week, the sun released four X-class solar flares, the strongest type of flare. Forecasters at the ...

Green and red auroras light up St. Patrick's day dawn

A strong G3 geomagetic storm surged across the planet this morning producing a spectacular display of the northern lights. Some of you may who may have risen to see the new nova were no doubt as surprised as the NOAA space ...

Video: 133 days on the sun

This video chronicles solar activity from Aug. 12 to Dec. 22, 2022, as captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). From its orbit in space around Earth, SDO has steadily imaged the sun in 4K x 4K resolution for nearly ...

The U.S. Postal Service to issue NASA sun science forever stamps

NASA's images of the sun's dynamic and dazzling beauty have captivated the attention of millions. In 2021, the US Postal Service is showcasing the sun's many faces with a series of sun Science forever stamps that show images ...

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