Study shows our sun is less active than similar stars

By cosmic standards the sun is extraordinarily monotonous. This is the result of a study presented by researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in the upcoming issue of Science. For the first time, ...

Ten things we've learned about the sun from NASA's SDO this decade

In February 2020, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory—SDO—is celebrating its 10th year in space. Over the past decade the spacecraft has kept a constant eye on the sun, studying how the sun creates solar activity and drives ...

42 years on, Voyager 2 charts interstellar space

A probe launched by NASA four days after Elvis died has delivered a treasure trove of data from beyond the "solar bubble" that envelops Earth and our neighbouring planets, scientists reported Monday.

Solar activity forecast for next decade favorable for exploration

The last astronauts of the Apollo program were lucky. Not just because they were chosen to fly to the moon, but because they missed some really bad weather en route. This wasn't a hurricane or heat wave, but space weather—the ...

The space we travel through

When sea-faring nations began to explore new regions of the world, one of their biggest concerns in making the journey safely was how to cope with weather. They could harness the wind for power. They could rely on the Sun ...

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