BepiColombo and Solar Orbiter compare notes at Venus

The convergence of two spacecraft at Venus in August 2021 has given a unique insight into how the planet is able to retain its thick atmosphere without the protection of a global magnetic field.

Video: 133 days on the sun

This video chronicles solar activity from Aug. 12 to Dec. 22, 2022, as captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). From its orbit in space around Earth, SDO has steadily imaged the sun in 4K x 4K resolution for nearly ...

Video: Solar snake spotted slithering across sun's surface

Solar Orbiter has spotted a "tube" of cooler atmospheric gases snaking its way through the sun's magnetic field. The observation provides an intriguing new addition to the zoo of features revealed by the ESA-led Solar Orbiter ...

Slight shifts in magnetic field preceded California earthquakes

Researchers studying intermediate to large earthquakes in California have discovered detectable changes in the local magnetic field that occur 2–3 days before an earthquake. In a study now published in Journal of Geophysical ...

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