Solar panels finally arrive atop the White House

The White House is finally on the solar grid, in response to prodding by environmentalists and nearly four years after then-Energy Secretary Steven Chu pledged that solar panels and a solar water heater would be installed ...

Obama launches measures to support solar energy in US

The White House Thursday announced a series of measures aimed at increasing solar energy production in the United States, particularly by encouraging the installation of solar panels in public spaces.

Chemists settle debate about conversion of light

Chemists of Utrecht University and of the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) have settled the debate about a fundamental question that is relevant to the conversion of one colour into another. They demonstrated ...

Gazans turn to solar power as fuel crisis bites

On the roof of Gaza City's children's hospital, a pristine row of solar panels gleams in the sunlight, an out-of-place symbol of modern, clean energy in the impoverished Strip.

Building tops to house urban windpower

The southern hemisphere's largest ever Windpod system has been installed on the City of Cockburn's administration building in Spearwood, as part of a joint research trial with Windpods International.

Wireless device converts 'lost' energy into electric power

Using inexpensive materials configured and tuned to capture microwave signals, researchers at Duke University's Pratt School of Engineering have designed a power-harvesting device with efficiency similar to that of modern ...

Amping up solar in the snowy north

Solar farms are a no-brainer in warm and sunny places, but what about in northern climes where snow can cover and even shut down the panels?

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