Winery wastewater a viable water source for vineyards

Making wine requires water beyond what it takes to grow grapes. There are bottles to wash, barrels to scrub and floors to clean. But what if the water left over from all that cleaning was treated and reused to irrigate vineyards? ...

New irrigation strategies for pecans in humid climates

Georgia is the largest pecan producing state in the U.S. Although this humid region receives an average of 127 cm or more rainfall annually, periods of moisture stress can occur during the pecan growing season, particularly ...

CAT scans consider non-wetting soils

Australian soils which seem to fear water are now receiving hospital-grade attention through the use of three-dimensional CAT scan medical imaging.

Firefly protein enables visualization of roots in soil

Plants form a vast network of below-ground roots that search soil for needed resources. The structure and function of this root network can be highly adapted to particular environments such as desert soils where plants like ...

Perennial biofuel crops' water consumption similar to corn

Converting large tracts of the Midwest's marginal farming land to perennial biofuel crops carries with it some key unknowns, including how it could affect the balance of water between rainfall, evaporation and movement of ...

Experiments open window on landscape formation

University of Oregon geologists have seen ridges and valleys form in real time and—even though the work was a fast-forwarded operation done in a laboratory setting—they now have an idea of how climate change may impact ...

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