Straw albedo mitigates extreme heat

Wheat fields are often tilled immediately after the crop is harvested, removing the light-coloured stubble and crop residues from the soil surface and bringing dark bare earth to the top. Post-harvest tilling is a widely ...

El Nino cycle has a big effect on a major greenhouse gas

Nitrous oxide is commonly associated with laughing gas—the pleasantly benign vapor that puts patients at ease in the dentist's chair. But outside the dentist's office, the gas plays a serious role in the planet's warming ...

Genome duplication aids plant's survival in saline soils

( —Having more than two sets of chromosomes can increase a plant's ability to take up nutrients and survive in saline soils, a joint study by Purdue University and the University of Aberdeen shows.

Biochar reduces nasty nitrous oxide emissions on farms

( —In the quest to decrease the world's greenhouse gases, Cornell scientists have discovered that biochar – a charcoal-like substance – reduces the nemesis nitrous oxide from agricultural soil on average by ...

Rover's 'SAM' lab instrument suite tastes soil

(— A pinch of fine sand and dust became the first solid Martian sample deposited into the biggest instrument on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity: the Sample Analysis at Mars, or SAM.

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