How do tidal marshes store carbon?

Tidal marshes are wetlands that are covered with incoming tidal water twice a day. These marshes may be as small as narrow fringe along a tidal creek or miles across in estuaries with adjacent flat landscapes. There are nearly ...

Consider soil in fall-applied ammonia rates, study says

Fall-applied anhydrous ammonia may not fulfill as much of corn's nitrogen needs as previously assumed. According to a new study from the University of Illinois, the effectiveness of the practice depends on the soil.

Improving soil carbon measurements empowers African farmers

The amount of carbon in farm soils is important to farmers. Soils with high carbon contents tend to provide better yields. They also tend to have more resilience to weather-related crop failure. But measuring the amount of ...

Understanding phosphorus in soils is vital to proper management

Phosphorus is one of the key nutrients that can cause algal blooms and related water quality problems in lakes, rivers, and estuaries worldwide. Phosphorus entering waters originates from a variety of sources. Agricultural ...

Soil scientists use mining waste to restore manmade wasteland

Soil scientists and chemists from RUDN University, together with colleagues from the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, have developed and tested a method of ecosystem restoration in the sub-Arctic technogenic ...

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