Rover's 'SAM' lab instrument suite tastes soil

(— A pinch of fine sand and dust became the first solid Martian sample deposited into the biggest instrument on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity: the Sample Analysis at Mars, or SAM.

Researchers uncover what makes plants 'clot'

University of Delaware researchers have identified two novel molecular players necessary to regulate plasmodesmata—communication channels in plants that bridge individual cells with their neighboring cells for distribution ...

Unearthing the impact of moisture on soil carbon processes

The ground below your feet contains some 2,500 gigatons of carbon, approximately three times the amount of carbon held in our atmosphere and four times more than is stored in every living thing—trees, ants, whales, and ...

The Phosphorus Index: Changes afoot

Phosphorus (P) is both an essential nutrient in agricultural fields and a contributor to poor water quality in surface waters. To encourage improved P management in fields, the P Index was proposed as a risk assessment tool ...

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