Cattle associated antibiotics disturb soil ecosystems

Manure from cattle administered antibiotics drastically changes the bacterial and fungal make-up of surrounding soil, leading to ecosystem dysfunction, according to a Virginia Tech research team.

Taking stock of charcoal in the world's soil

Forest fires hit the headlines all too regularly - in fact, fire affects about 4.64 million km2 of biomass per year, an area almost three times the size of Alaska. But after the fire something remains - stable carbon.

Researchers uncover what makes plants 'clot'

University of Delaware researchers have identified two novel molecular players necessary to regulate plasmodesmata—communication channels in plants that bridge individual cells with their neighboring cells for distribution ...

Orbiter views Mars surface fractures

The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter often takes images of Martian sand dunes to study the mobile soils. These images provide information about erosion and ...

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