NASA satellite sees ghostly remains of vanishing Arctic Sea ice

Spooky spectral swirls of last season's sea ice drift in currents off the coast of eastern Greenland in this image from NASA's Aqua satellite, acquired on October 17. Although sea ice in the Arctic will start forming again ...

Scientists fight 'super weeds' with sustainability

(—Across the United States, fields of genetically engineered crops have become laboratories for the evolution of glyphosate-resistant (GR) weeds. These fast-growing "super weeds"—resistant to the highly effective ...

Curiosity preparing for second scoop

On Sol 65 (Oct. 11, 2012) of the Mars Science Laboratory mission, NASA's Mars rover Curiosity completed several activities in preparation for collecting its second scoop of soil. Like the first scoop, the next will come from ...

Curiosity rover prepares to study martian soil

(—NASA's Curiosity rover is in a position on Mars where scientists and engineers can begin preparing the rover to take its first scoop of soil for analysis.

Late blight in Delaware tomatoes confirmed

Late blight, a disease caused by the fungus-like organism Phytophthora infestans, has been confirmed in New Castle County, Del., this week on tomato fruit.

Rover Leaves Tracks in Morse Code

(—NASA's Curiosity rover took its first test stroll Wednesday Aug. 22, 2012, and beamed back pictures of its accomplishment in the form of track marks in the Martian soil. Careful inspection of the tracks reveals ...

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