Looking deeper into sea ice

(Phys.org)—This year, satellites saw the extent of Arctic sea ice hit a record low since measurements began in the 1970s. ESA's SMOS and CryoSat satellites are now taking a deeper look by measuring the volume of the sea-ice ...

SMOS maps record soil water before flood

As parts of central Europe are battling with the most extensive floods in centuries, forecasters are hoping that ESA's SMOS satellite will help to improve the accuracy of flood prediction in the future.

First images from ESA's water mission

In less than four months since launch, the first calibrated images are being delivered by ESA's SMOS mission. These images of 'brightness temperature' translate into clear information on global variations of soil moisture ...

Three new quinoa cultivars for varying climates

Consumers can't get enough of the superfood quinoa, healthy grains which originate from and thrive in South America. Wageningen UR has developed three varieties that also do well elsewhere in the world.

Image: Root-zone soil moisture map

ESA's SMOS mission was launched in 2009 to provide global observations of soil moisture and ocean salinity – two important variables in Earth's water cycle. While this novel Earth Explorer satellite continues to advance ...

SMOS and Proba-2 launch rescheduled for November (w/Video)

Following an agreement between ESA, Krunichev Space Centre and Eurockot Launch Services, ESA's next Earth Explorer mission SMOS and a secondary payload, the technology demonstrator Proba-2 satellite, will now launch on 2 ...

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