Getting to the root of the problem

Roots play a vital role in crop plants. They take up water and nutrients for the plant and keep it help firmly in the ground. But not all roots are the same.

Ohio State University soil professor gets World Food Prize

A soil scientist whose research led to improved food production and a better understanding of how atmospheric carbon can be held in the soil to help combat climate change was named this year's recipient of the World Food ...

Soybean seeding rates and risk

To some, farming might seem simple: plant seeds, help them grow, then sell the product. But the reality is much different. Farming requires many complex decisions throughout the year.

Researchers quantify ecosystem-scale nitrification rate

Human-caused increases in gaseous nitrogen (N) emissions to the atmosphere have accelerated terrestrial ecosystem N deposition over the past half-century. As forest productivity is usually N limited, accelerated N deposition ...

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