What you need to know about soil to keep your garden healthy

As the weather warms and days lengthen, your attention may be turning to that forgotten patch of your backyard. This week we've asked our experts to share the science behind gardening. So grab a trowel and your green thumbs, ...

A tale of two (soil) cities

As we walk along a forest path, the soil beneath our feet seems like a uniform substance. However, it is an intricate network of soil particles, pores, minerals, soil microbes, and more. It is awash in variety.

Manure offsets fertiliser's nano-scale changes

A UWA study has shown how long-term use of chemical fertilisers changes the soil on a nanoparticle scale and how these changes can be avoided by adding organic matter such as manure.

Electric sparks may alter evolution of lunar soil

The moon appears to be a tranquil place, but modeling done by University of New Hampshire and NASA scientists suggests that, over the eons, periodic storms of solar energetic particles may have significantly altered the properties ...

Mars may act as a giant planetary pump

(Phys.org) —The surface of Mars is full of activity, with dust storms, dust devils, and drifting dunes in constant motion. Scientists suspect that similarly rich activity may exist underneath the surface, even though it ...

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