Crops from no-till fields may need spring nitrogen boost

No-till crop production provides benefits through reduced soil erosion and soil moisture loss, which potentially increases yield. However, no-till fields with wheat stubble may need a nitrogen boost in the spring above that ...

Simultaneous water and nitrogen use can enhance sustainability

The results of a study carried out by two researchers from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid show that management practices oriented toward reducing nitrogen losses and maintaining farm productivity should rely on optimizing ...

Study highlights the benefits of mixing cover crops

A University of Kentucky study titled "Productivity benefits of cereal-legume cover crop mixtures under variable soil nitrogen and termination times" suggests that mixing cover crops is a beneficial strategy for modern agriculture.

Nitrogen pollution is less harmful to mixed forests, study shows

In a study published in the journal Plant and Soil, researchers from the Institute of Applied Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have shown that mixed larch and deciduous forests are more resistant to soil acidification—a ...

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