Pasture management and riparian buffers reduce erosion

Sediment is the number one pollutant in U.S. waterways. Over grazing can increase soil erosion from pastures as well as sediment loading into aquatic systems. Grazing management and buffer strips may reduce erosion, however, ...

Future climate change will affect plants and soil differently

A new European study has found that soil carbon loss is more sensitive to climate change compared to carbon taken up by plants. In drier regions, soil carbon loss decreased but in wetter regions soil carbon loss increased. ...

Deforestation of sandy soils a greater climate threat

Deforestation may have far greater consequences for climate change in some soils than in others, according to new research led by Yale University scientists—a finding that could provide critical insights into which ecosystems ...

Is desertification on the increase?

Fighting desertification will require a better understanding of its drivers of this process, with a little help from a new tool to study how dry regions evolve

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