What a crystal reveals about nuclear materials processing

While studying legacy contaminated soil samples from the Plutonium Finishing Plant waste crib at the Hanford Site (Richland, WA), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) researchers located and extracted tiny crystals ...

Heavy metals make soil enzymes 3 times weaker

Heavy metals suppress enzyme activity in the soil by three to 3.5 times and have especially prominent effect on the enzymes that support carbon and sulfur circulation, according to a soil scientist from RUDN, together with ...

3-D printing 'greener' buildings using local soil

The construction industry is currently facing two major challenges: the demand for sustainable infrastructure and the need to repair deteriorating buildings, bridges and roads. While concrete is the material of choice for ...

New test measures corn nitrogen needs with greater accuracy

The soil fertility tests farmers have used for decades to measure nitrogen levels don't account for the vast majority of the nitrogen in soils, so Iowa State University scientists helped develop a new test that yields more ...

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