Plant defences - the mystery deepens

New research has brought us a step closer to untangling the complex reasons why certain plant species triumph over others.

Polar climate change may lead to ecological change

( -- Ice and frozen ground at the North and South Poles are affected by climate change induced warming, but the consequences of thawing at each pole differ due to the geography and geology, according to a Penn ...

Living in the Past and Looking Toward the Future

Making sense of the shards, scraps and other clues left behind by past societies compels archaeologists to study far-ranging topics, from agriculture to art and chemistry to linguistics. Until recently, however, it has not ...

Using remote sensing to track invasive trees

A team of Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists has refined remote sensing tools for identifying invasive Ashe juniper shrubs and trees in central Texas and nearby regions. These findings can help rangeland managers ...

Life Underground Critical to Earth's Ecosystems

( -- "I wonder if I shall fall right through the Earth!" mused Alice-in-Wonderland as she tumbled down the rabbit-hole." How funny it'll seem to come out among people that walk with their heads downwards! The ...

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