Adobe plugs Flash webcam spy hole

( -- Adobe engineers on Thursday fixed a vulnerability in its Flash software that could enable attackers to use a person’s computer webcam or microphone feeds for spying on the person. Adobe made changes ...

Microsoft to patch 17-year-old bug

( -- Microsoft's February security update will include a patch for a bug that dates back to Windows NT 3.1, which was released in July 1993. The vulnerability has been present but undetected in every 32-bit version ...

Security holes discovered in iPhones, iPads

A new security hole has opened up in Apple Inc.'s iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices, raising alarms about the susceptibility of some of the world's hottest tech gadgets to hacker attacks.

Microsoft patches 'critical' crack in Windows

Microsoft released an emergency patch for a "critical" crack in Windows operating system software that could let hackers take control of computers over the Internet.

Hackers breach US air traffic control computers

Hackers broke into US air traffic control computers on several occasions over the past few years and increased reliance on Web applications and commercial software has made networks more vulnerable, according to a government ...

Games help improve software security

Ever more sophisticated cyber attacks exploit software vulnerabilities in the Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) IT systems and applications upon which military, government and commercial organizations rely. The most rigorous ...

Pentagon plays down security breach with US drones

A day after the Pentagon acknowledged that Iraqi militants had used cheap software to intercept US drone feeds, a new report on Friday said senior military officials had dismissed that risk in 2004.

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