Microsoft's IE 10 browser coming to Windows 7 PCs

Microsoft is escalating its efforts to bring the latest version of Internet Explorer to more than 700 million personal computers in an attempt to re-establish the software maker's browser as the best way to surf the Web.

App cuts up news into digestible bytes

Offering a new way to read the news on a mobile device, an app launched Monday delivers content in "flash card" segments in an effort to optimize new formats.

Hewlett-Packard offers fix for printers susceptible to remote hacks

Hewlett-Packard released a firmware update Friday that it says will fix a susceptibility in some of the Palo Alto, Calif., company's popular LaserJet printers that researchers said could allow hackers to remotely take control ...

Huge computer worm Conficker stirring to life

(AP) -- The dreaded Conficker computer worm is stirring. Security experts say the worm's authors appear to be trying to build a big moneymaker, but not a cyber weapon of mass destruction as many people feared.

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