NASA hopes to test new spaceship in 2014

There's no firm date yet, but sometime in early 2014 NASA intends to take its first major step toward rebuilding its human spaceflight program.

Fully automatic software testing

University of Twente researcher Machiel van der Bijl has developed a system that eliminates the need to test software manually. The system not only facilitates quick and accurate software testing, but it will also save software ...

Researchers simulate cyber soldiers for sale

( -- Researchers, who are mimicking the debilitating attacks of cyber robot armies to help defend the Australian and Indian governments, will discuss their work tomorrow (October 27) at Queensland University of ...

Faster and more efficient software for the US Air Force

Researchers at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln have addressed the issue of faulty software by developing an algorithm and open source tool that is 300 times faster at generating tests and also reduces current software ...

Microsoft's vendors, temps nearly equal regular staff numbers

It's widely known Microsoft has a large contingent work force in addition to its 96,000 direct, regular employees worldwide. But the company has never publicly quantified these people, who typically work through third-party ...

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