FAA: Data from U-2 spy plane caused computer issue

Federal aviation officials say the air traffic control system around Los Angeles shut down last week because data from the flight plan of a U-2 spy plane confused software that runs the system.

If you want to trust a robot, look at how it makes decisions

Robots, and autonomous systems in general, can cause anxiety and uncertainty, particularly as their use in everyday tasks becomes a more immediate possibility. In order to lessen at least some of that anxiety, we should shift ...

New software battle coming to smart TVs

More choice—and confusion—is coming to the next generation of TVs. At least three new software systems were announced Monday for Internet-connected television sets, which let viewers watch Internet video and interact ...

A new collaboration era for the building sector

Building projects require processing and communication of large amounts of complex data. Now, software solutions make it possible to retrieve details of a given project at any time.

Review: iPhone fingerprint sensor worth extra cost

Passcodes are such a pain that I've relaxed the security settings on my Android phone. I'm willing to forgo the extra safety, just so I'm asked to punch in the code less often. When I got my hands on Apple's new iPhone 5S, ...

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