Slow websites a source of irritation

Slow websites are a major source of irritation; we simply cannot be bothered to wait. But according to PhD student Marcel Harkema from the University of Twente, there is no longer any excuse for them. "Too many IT systems ...

SwRI launches Robot Operating System-Industrial Consortium

Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) is launching a cooperative research consortium to accelerate the development of ROS-Industrial, an open-source extension of ROS focused on the needs of industrial users.

Transformed X-48c flies successfully

( -- The remotely piloted X-48C aircraft successfully flew for the first time Tuesday at Edwards Air Force Base in California's Mojave Desert.

Microsoft pays big to strengthen software defense

As hackers from around the world converged on Las Vegas, Microsoft doled out a quarter million dollars in prize money to researchers who found ways to thwart attacks on its software.

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