Megacities move to track emissions

(—In an article published on Dec. 5 in Nature, Jeff Tollefson writes that according to United Nations data, megacities may be responsible for as much as 70 percent of greenhouse gas emissions around the world. ...

Apple sacks exec in maps fiasco

Apple has ousted the executive who oversaw the mobile maps program which was a spectacular flop, a report said Tuesday.

HP investor sues company for handling of 2 deals

Hewlett-Packard now has a legal headache to compound its misery as the company tries to recover from a series of setbacks that have hammered its stock price and raised doubts about its future.

Thanksgiving driving patterns increase risk for fatal crashes

(—Thanksgiving often means more food for Americans, but it also means more traffic on the road that brings a greater chance for fatal crashes, according to a recent study of traffic data by The University of Alabama ...

Lmod: The 'secret sauce' behind module management at TACC

Modules "set the table" for users of high performance computing system by loading the packages each user needs. Lmod, developed at TACC, protects users so they can't load mismatched compilers, libraries, and other parts of ...

Apple ordered to pay $368 million in patent case

Apple has been ordered to pay $368 million for patent infringement in its use of Facetime, an application that allows for video calls on mobile devices, the plaintiff said Wednesday.

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