Google trumpets Dart release as first stable version

(—Google on Tuesday released its first stable version of Dart SDK. Dart is a programming language for Web applications that Google thinks will offer an improved, easy to learn, high performance environment for ...

Open-source camera could revolutionize photography (w/ Video)

( -- Stanford photo scientists are out to reinvent digital photography with the introduction of an "open-source" digital camera, which will give programmers around the world the chance to create software that ...

Online images may be turning back the clock on gender bias

A picture is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes, and research has shown that the human brain does indeed better retain information from images than from text. These days, we are taking in more visual content than ...

Microsoft unveils fitness gadget, health tracking

Microsoft is releasing a $199 fitness band that also checks your email and even pay for coffee as the software company seeks to challenge Apple and others in the still-infant market for wearable devices.

Eye-tracking Umoove parks in closed-beta zone

( —A small company called Umoove, which specializes in eye- and head-tracking technology, will offer software development kits so that developers can grow the Umoove platform for mobile users everywhere. The company ...

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