US court lifts Samsung phone ban, keeps tablet block

A US appeals court gave Samsung a temporary reprieve Friday on the sale of its Galaxy Nexus 7 smartphones while leaving intact a court ban on US sales of its tablet computers in a patent battle with Apple.

'Leap second' wreaks Internet havoc

An adjustment of a mere second in the official global clock sent dozens of websites crashing in an incident reminiscent of the Y2K bug over a decade ago.

Samsung to fight block on US sales of Galaxy Nexus

South Korea's Samsung vowed Saturday to "take all available measures" to fight a US court's decision to block American sales of its Galaxy Nexus smartphones made in collaboration with Google.

US military to pack more BlackBerry smartphones

Research In Motion (RIM) on Wednesday announced that the US Department of Defense staff and partners have been given the go-ahead to use more of the Canadian firm's BlackBerry OS 7 smartphones.

Google violated copyright, but no damages: jury

A jury ruled Monday that Google violated copyrights owned by Oracle Corp. for the Android mobile platform, but failed to agree on whether damages should be awarded in the high-profile trial.

BlackBerry maker out to capitalize on rivals

Research In Motion launched a new software platform Tuesday that lets businesses manage smartphones made by rivals that have been devouring the BlackBerry maker's market share.

RIM forced to change name of software

BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion has been forced to change the name of its new operating system from BBX after the company lost a trademark ruling.

Samsung holds final talks on Google TV venture

Samsung Electronics is holding final talks with Google about launching a television using the US search giant's software platform next year, an executive of the South Korean company said Tuesday.

Adobe pulls plug on Flash for mobile

US software maker Adobe pulled the plug Wednesday on its Flash player for mobile browsers, which Apple's late chief executive Steve Jobs refused to allow on the iPhone and iPad.

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