Crime and virtual punishment

When it comes to crime and punishment, how judges dish out prison sentences is anything but a game.

Android phones to pit vampires against slayers

Facial recognition startup Viewdle on Wednesday began letting Android smartphone users see which of the people around them are vampires and which are vampire slayers.

New hardware boosts communication speed on multi-core chips

Computer engineers at North Carolina State University have developed hardware that allows programs to operate more efficiently by significantly boosting the speed at which the "cores" on a computer chip communicate with each ...

Next-generation sound systems to minimise background noise

( -- The whole listening experience in cars, cinemas, theatres, and even during videoconferences, is likely to improve radically thanks to a new set of tools for application development being assembled by European ...

Improving U.S. missile defense

Researchers at Purdue University are working with the U.S. Department of Defense's Missile Defense Agency to develop software that would improve the ability to manage the large volume of incoming data during an enemy attack.

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