Related topics: women

Humans more diverse than we allow

A question central to Gillian Einstein's research is, How can I do science that would not make essentialist assumptions about the body?

Fury of Madoff's Ponzi scheme 'victims' has slowed process

Most Ponzi schemes, like almost everything else these days, enjoy a limited life in the public eye. Despite its explosive nature, the same would have been true of the Madoff con, except that nobody cooled Bernie's marks out.

Americans' circle of confidantes is down to two

Although the average Facebook user may gave some 130 "friends," in reality, Americans have, on average, slightly more than two confidantes, down from three 25 years ago, but the size of this social network has stabilized ...

Are some towns more lovable than others?

( -- Though magazines often create lists of the 'best places to live,' a new study suggests that no community is more or less likely than another to foster a sense of community attachment.

Americans' views of college access varied, often inflated

A study by Indiana University sociologists found that many Americans had inflated views of minority students' opportunities to attend college, yet a large contingent - around 43 percent of people surveyed - believed that ...

African Americans are more vulnerable to welfare penalties

African Americans are significantly more likely to be sanctioned by the United States welfare system than whites, according to research published in the June issue of the American Sociological Review, the flagship journal ...

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