Related topics: women

Gender equality's final frontier: Who cleans up

(—Working-class couples who buck convention and live together rather than marry take on traditional roles when it comes to housework, according to a new study by a Cornell sociologist.

Immigration status affects educational achievement

Mexican American mothers' formal immigration status affects the educational achievement of their children and even their grandchildren, according to a study written by Penn State and University of California, Irvine, sociologists ...

Global science: U.S. is still in the game

Globalization is a benefit to U.S. scientific achievement, not a threat. That's the conclusion of a new book that weighs the evidence from a number of recent surveys to answer its title question: "Is American Science in Decline?"

Examining motherly fears

Neighborhood poverty is likely to make a mother more fearful about letting her children play outdoors, according to a new study by sociologists at Rice University and Stanford University.

Charting gender's 'incomplete revolution'

A major survey of gender inequality in contemporary society has found lingering echoes of old-fashioned, "male breadwinner" values, but also evidence that men are happier when they do their fair share of household chores.

Mexican-American children lag in preliteracy skills, study finds

(—Mexican-American preschoolers fall behind their white counterparts in terms of early language and pre-literacy skills, but the social competencies between the two groups are indistinguishable, according to new ...

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