Related topics: women

Study: Female students wary of the engineering workplace

Why don’t more women enter the male-dominated profession of engineering? Some observers have speculated it may be due to the difficulties of balancing a demanding career with family life. Others have suggested that women ...

When prejudices become a disadvantage

( -- Swiss researchers from ETH Zurich have been exploring the question of whether prejudices might be rational under certain conditions. Using game theory, they created various scenarios and played them fifteen ...

Americans' circle of confidantes is down to two

Although the average Facebook user may gave some 130 "friends," in reality, Americans have, on average, slightly more than two confidantes, down from three 25 years ago, but the size of this social network has stabilized ...

Amazon's elite product reviewers

( -- Comments about a product online can make or break a sale. But who are the people behind the reviews and why do they do it?

For dual-income husbands and wives, it's still a man's world

Decades of progress may have earned women their place at the office, but it hasn't won them an equal partnership in the home - and that puts hard-working women at a distinct disadvantage to their male peers.

Violent crime 'race gap' narrows, but persists in US

The U.S. 'race gap' in the commission of violent crime has narrowed substantially, yet persists in many cities - with murder arrest rates for African Americans out-distancing those for whites - concludes a new 80-city study ...

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