Study shows disorder may cause an increase stereotyping

( -- A study performed by Dutch social scientists Diederik Stapel and Siegwart Lindenberg, of Tilburg University in the Netherlands, suggests that people may resort to stereotyping to cope with the stress associated ...

Parents' social problems affect their children -- even in birds

A recent study performed by Floriane Guibert and Cecilia Houdelier at the CNRS-University of Rennes in France, together with researchers at the INRA in Nouzilly, France and with Austrian scientists including Erich Mostl of ...

Physics Model Determines Dynamics of Friends and Enemies

( -- Sometimes friends can become enemies and enemies become friends, and it’s difficult to understand exactly how or why the changes took place. A new study shows that when the shifting of alliances and rivalries ...

Birds in captivity lose hippocampal mass

( -- Being in captivity for just a few weeks can reduce the volume of the hippocampus by as much as 23 percent, according to a new Cornell study.

Bad jobs: Why they make some women bad moms

( -- The kind of job a woman has may be just as important as whether she works or not when it comes to the well-being of her child.

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