Do children need both a mother and a father?

The presumption that children need both a mother and a father is widespread. It has been used by proponents of Proposition 8 to argue against same-sex marriage and to uphold a ban on same-sex adoption.

Why teens should treasure their friendships

Adolescents with strong friendships experience fewer anxiety and depression symptoms, Ph.D. student Iris Koele discovered in her research on high school students' social relationships. "As a psychologist, I include friends ...

Healthy connections can help kids cope with cyberbullying

TikTok, Instagram or YouTube, whatever the platform, if your teen is active on social media, they may encounter cyberbullying. In fact, 44% of Aussie teens say they've had a negative online experience in the past six months.

Dairy calves are social animals

Most dairy calves are housed individually in the first weeks and sometimes months of their lives, a practice that has come under scrutiny for its effects on animal behavior, welfare, and health. Despite growing scientific ...

Teaching group work to students with autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the fastest growing developmental disability in the United States. According to the American Psychiatric Association, this disability is characterized by "persistent deficits in social communication ...

Skills are the new coin of the realm

Forget bitcoin—skills are the global currency for 21st century economies. Lori Foster, professor of Psychology at North Carolina State University and the University of Cape Town, says, "Without proper investment in skills, ...

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