How to repair work relationships after making a social blunder

If you feel your social skills have gone downhill, you're not alone. After nearly two years of working from home, and much less social activity outside of work, we're likely to commit more unintentional lapses in etiquette, ...

What 'social class transitioners' bring to the workplace

A new study argues that "social class transitioners" – people who move between different socioeconomic classes through their lifetime – bring a unique and valuable skillset to the workplace.

Urgent action needed to close UK languages gap

The UK Government needs to urgently adopt a new, comprehensive languages strategy if it is to keep pace with its international competitors and reduce a skills deficit that has wide-reaching economic, political, and military ...

Why teens should treasure their friendships

Adolescents with strong friendships experience fewer anxiety and depression symptoms, Ph.D. student Iris Koele discovered in her research on high school students' social relationships. "As a psychologist, I include friends ...

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