Skills are the new coin of the realm

Forget bitcoin—skills are the global currency for 21st century economies. Lori Foster, professor of Psychology at North Carolina State University and the University of Cape Town, says, "Without proper investment in skills, ...

Street food vendors resist and adapt to changing society

Street food vendors are ubiquitous in low- and middle-income countries. They offer up quick, cheap and diverse food and drink, while also serving as sources of employment and socialization. Yet because the stalls block sidewalks ...

Sociologists study the impact religion has on child development

Do children raised by religious parents have better social and psychological development than those raised in non-religious homes? In a new study, researchers found that religion can be a mixed blessing for children as they ...

What 'social class transitioners' bring to the workplace

A new study argues that "social class transitioners" – people who move between different socioeconomic classes through their lifetime – bring a unique and valuable skillset to the workplace.

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