How to repair work relationships after making a social blunder

If you feel your social skills have gone downhill, you're not alone. After nearly two years of working from home, and much less social activity outside of work, we're likely to commit more unintentional lapses in etiquette, ...

Dairy calves are social animals

Most dairy calves are housed individually in the first weeks and sometimes months of their lives, a practice that has come under scrutiny for its effects on animal behavior, welfare, and health. Despite growing scientific ...

Understanding bias in leadership assessments of women

A new study conducted before COVID-19 busted open the leaky pipeline for women in leadership underscores the bias that men are naturally presumed to have leadership potential and women are not and highlights the increased ...

Virtual training helps middle schoolers hone social skills

Middle school, a time when children's brains are undergoing significant development, is often also a time of new challenges in navigating the social world. Recent research from the Center for BrainHealth at UT Dallas demonstrates ...

Puppies are wired to communicate with people, study shows

Dogs may have earned the title "man's best friend" because of how good they are at interacting with people. Those social skills may be present shortly after birth rather than learned, a new study by University of Arizona ...

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