Forming consensus in social networks

Social networks have become a dominant force in society. Family, friends, peers, community leaders and media communicators are all part of people's social networks. Individuals within a network may have different opinions ...

Convey trust with voice, professor urges

( -- So many insecurities, so little trust. In today's stressed workplace, pitch and volume of conversations matter, according to new research.

A study in scarlet Japanese macaques

From peacocks to butterflies and betta fish, mother nature never disappoints when it colors the males of a species. Which makes sense, in species with traditional sex roles, males are more involved in competing for mates, ...

Bats recognize the individual voices of other bats

Bats can use the characteristics of other bats' voices to recognize each other, according to a study by researchers from the University of Tuebingen, Germany and the University of Applied Sciences in Konstanz, Germany. The ...

Social and communication skills co-evolve, study finds

Living together in groups entails constant interactions between individuals. Individuals need to permanently assess the behavior of others and to respond flexibly to it. Primates and other animals regulate and coordinate ...

High-tech start-ups benefit from Twitter hype

The short message service Twitter has played a prominent role in US politics in recent weeks and months and attracted a lot of attention. Even in business, Twitter users' tweets are being closely followed and used as a basis ...

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