What drives young people to commit hate crimes

It happened again over the weekend: another mass shooting and alleged hate crime, this time in Buffalo, New York, that left 10 dead and three injured. Most of the victims were Black. The 18-year-old accused shooter said he ...

Dutch veterans feel misunderstood

Veterans experience social stereotyping and disinterest, concludes anthropologist Yvon de Reuver, who will receive a Ph.D. for her research from Radboud University on 23 May. Veterans are known to suffer from psychological ...

Homeschooling surge continues despite schools reopening

The coronavirus pandemic ushered in what may be the most rapid rise in homeschooling the U.S. has ever seen. Two years later, even after schools reopened and vaccines became widely available, many parents have chosen to continue ...

Peers can help cut juvenile re-offending

Punishment, policing, detention and other measures to reduce serious repeat offending by juveniles is often derailed by entrenched behaviors and an offender's unwillingness to walk away from their co-offending peers.

Why victims of domestic abuse don't leave: Four experts explain

For anyone aware of someone—a friend, a colleague, a family member—experiencing abuse and violence at home, one of the biggest questions is often why don't they just walk away? It can be difficult to understand the extent ...

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