The inhumanness of technology

Ever get the feeling that a thumbs-up on Facebook just isn't the same as seeing a friend? Ever feel like you want more than 140 characters from someone?

Robots to the rescue (w/ Video)

Researchers are exploring ways to make rescue robots less "creepy" and more user-friendly, incorporating lessons learned from studies of how humans interact with technology

Teaching robots to move like humans (w/ Video)

When people communicate, the way they move has as much to do with what they're saying as the words that come out of their mouths. But what about when robots communicate with people? How can robots use non-verbal communication ...

Babies and robots learn from each other

A few years ago, AnthroTronix, Inc., an engineering research and development firm in College Park, Md., introduced Cosmobot, a type of social robot for therapists and educators who work with developmentally and learning disabled ...

Nexi robot: A matter of trust

( -- What can a wide-eyed, talking robot teach us about trust? A lot, according to Northeastern psychology professor David DeSteno, and his colleagues, who are conducting innovative research to determine how humans ...

Want responsible robotics? Start with responsible humans

( -- When the legendary science fiction writer Isaac Asimov penned the "Three Laws of Responsible Robotics," he forever changed the way humans think about artificial intelligence, and inspired generations of engineers ...

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