Dutch people not in favour of humanoid robots

Most Dutch people feel that the ideal social robot should not resemble a human being too much, as is the case with robots currently being produced in Japan. People do expect a robot to have certain human traits, but the distinction ...

Image: Reflecting on a spacecraft arrival

Cargo has arrived at the International Space Station to support approximately 40 of the more than 250 science and research investigations that will be performed during Expeditions 43 and 44, including numerous human research ...

Robotics researcher discusses robot evolution

Concha Monje is a researcher in the Robotics Lab of the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). There, she is one of the people in charge of TEO, a 60-kilo humanoid ...

Social robots helping children with diabetes

Social robots are helping diabetic children accept the nature of their condition and become more confident about their futures, scientists have announced following a four-and-a-half year research study.

Hitchhiking robot reaches journey's end in Canada

A chatty robot with an LED-lit smiley face sent hitchhiking across Canada this summer as part of a social experiment reached its final destination Thursday after several thousand kilometers on the road.

Links between science, technology and social issues

Science and technology is the vital driving force for economic and social development. However, the fundamental links between science, technology, and society are unclear because of their complexity and hidden relationships.

Robot representatives open doors for the isolated

Psychologists from the University of Exeter are leading a major project looking at how robots can enable people to interact in public spaces – without actually being there.

Dogs' behavior could help to design social robots

Designers of social robots, take note. Bring your dog to the lab next time you test a prototype, and watch how your pet interacts with it. You might just learn a thing or two that could help you fine-tune future designs. ...

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